
Satoshi Mizukawa

  • Telephone +81-3-5218-2088 (Direct)
Major Area of Practice

M&A (intra-group restructuring, MBO/going private, friendly/hostile), venture capital investment/venture backing, corporate governance/compliance, advice on operation of shareholders meetings and board of directors, introduction of “help-line” systems and related render services, risk management, misconduct cases, advice on dispute resolution including corporate and commercial disputes.

2003 Osaka University(LL.B.)
2004 Admitted to the bar
2011 Joined our firm
2012 Became Partner

Bar Association Membership

Daiichi Tokyo Bar Association

Major Achievements
  • Named “Stand-out Lawyer 2024” by Thomson Reuters (2024)
  • The case where a claim for fees etc. (claiming just over JPY 10 million, of which 97% or more were equivalent to attorney fees) based on the Companies Act Article 852(1) against a company, by a shareholder who won a shareholders' derivative action against a listed company (listed on the JASDAQ), was limited to JPY 1,000,000 (defendant company side) (2016)
  • Advice on retroactive corrections to securities reports etc. for JALCO Holdings Inc. (listed on the JASDAQ) (2014)
  • Civil rehabilitation proceedings of Index Corporation (listed on the JASDAQ) (petitioner side) (2013-)
  • Sales of Bitway business to Digital Publishing Initiatives Japan Co., Ltd. by Toppan Printing Co., Ltd. (Toppan Printing side) (2013)
  • Action for nuclear damage compensation attributable to the Fukushima Power Plant disaster (affected company side) (2011-)
  • Derivative action against former members of the management board of Unimat Soyokaze Co., Ltd. (listed on the JASDAQ; former Medca Japan Co., Ltd.) (company side) (2009-)
  • Injunctive action against issuance of new stocks by a listed company (on the JASDAQ) to be used for Japanese version of ESOP. While it was admitted that the issuance was made in the context of the management control dispute, the issuing company won the case (issuing company side) (2012)
  • Capital subscription made to Digital Publishing Initiatives Japan Co., Ltd. by Toppan Printing Co., Ltd. (Toppan Printing side) (2012)
  • Intra-group restructuring of Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd. (2010-2011)
  • Case where the proposal of the reappointment of the President of Ten-Arrows Co., Ltd. (current Charle Corporation) (founding family side) was dismissed at the shareholders meeting (2007)
  • Advice on correcting securities report of past fiscal years etc. for NITTOC Co., Ltd. (listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange) (2007)
  • Advice on correcting securities report of past fiscal years and related derivative actions against former officers of Access Co., Ltd. (listed on the JASDAQ) (2008-2009)
  • Petition for bankruptcy against Re-Plus Residential Investment, Inc. (listed on the Mothers section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange) (petitioner side) (2008)
  • Real-estate development dispute between the local government and contractors (local government side) (2011)